hi, i’m melody.
nyc-based medical student and online content creator.

Goodbye March: My Goals for April

Goodbye March: My Goals for April

2019 is 25% done. Every month feels shorter than the one before it. I don’t know how it’s April already. 2019 is FLYING.


I did so many things and laughed so many times but, like every month it seems, I also left a few things untouched or unfinished. I didn’t take my permit test but I’ve decided that true New Yorkers don’t drive, I ditched my plan to yoga everyday (read about why here), and I wasn’t perfect about reading my Bible but I read it.

March felt good.

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Every so often I'll get a message from one of y’all asking me about my daily routines and how I get things done. I regret to inform you that I am not the beacon of productivity you’re looking for… at least not at the moment ;) What I will say is that grinding for your goals is a really difficult thing. It’s not cute, it’s 1000% exhausting,

but it is a BLESSING, and one I try really freakin’ hard, day in and day out, to summon my energy for.


I’m by no means perfect but I do my best, and when I find myself unable to step up I talk to someone I trust. More times than not, what’s holding me back runs deeper than I realize.

I’m setting one goal for April:

At the end of every day I want to feel like a took a step in the right direction.

I’ve got all of these things I’d like to do before I finally go to med school in August. They’re whizzing around in my head but part of the work will be figuring out what I need from the next few months.

So every single day in April I’m going to try to get clearer on my goals , how I'm going to go about doing them, and where the heck I’m going to start.


There are a lot of changes coming- medical school being the most obvious one. But there are also changes in the works that I’m not quite ready to talk about (and equally excited for). Ah, such is life. I hope your April is the start of something incredible. I hope whatever seed you’ve been sowing shows signs of growth. If you’d like to focus on 1 THING with me I would love for you to share it below; nothing makes me happier than cheering you guys on. Wishing us the both the best “1 THING April”- like Amerie. Get it? All love always xx

Photos by Carolina Portilho Montoni

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