New Year’s Resolutions Every 20-Something Should Make
We are just 12 short hours from a new year which means many of us are busy reflecting on the past one and setting our sights higher for the next. Whether you set “resolutions” or “intentions” or decide to focus on a single word in 2019, I have always been of the opinion that every new day, week, month, and year are all opportunities to just be better. Not better than anyone else, but better than you were before. And YES. It is 100% possible to love yourself while you work on yourself.
I’ve got all kinds of goals for this year but 4 resolutions have been on my mind. I think they’re the kind that every 20-something #femalehustler should consider, so I thought I’d share them with you in hopes that you might join me in making one or two (or all!) of them your own.
It feels like everyone is making a dream career out of their side hustles and I couldn’t be more excited. I joined the ranks of the “self-employed” myself just two months ago, but the loss of my 30-minute commute to work has drastically reduced the amount of time I spend in the crisp NYC air. Important: fresh air is good for the soul. So in 2019 I’m making the extra effort to spend a few minutes roaming the concrete jungle everyday. If you work from home, Uber everywhere, or lock yourself in the library for hours on end, you should definitely consider joining me on my quest to become #outdoorsy (ha).
Whether you do it for the environment, the animals, or your health, there’s a lot to be gained from a plant-based diet. I won’t scare you with the v* word, but there’s a 30% chance you need to increase your veggie intake. I’ve been trying to keep meat, dairy, and eggs out of my kitchen for a few months. It’s not full-blown veganism* but it’s easy and affordable. So in 2019 I’m keeping my #plantkitchen habit around and this invitation for you to join me will really kick it up a notch.
Finances - the bane of every 20-something-New Yorker’s existence. I grew up in a home that experienced a lot of financial instability. Pair that with the fact that I’m a rich person stuck in a poor person’s body, and I’ve managed to develop some pretty bad spending habits.
I’m talking budgets, bank statements, savings accounts, and personal finance books… while I continue to live my best life.
First few books in the queue? You Are A Badass at Making Money, Refinery29’s Money Diaries, and Money Is Everything.
Join your neighborhood council. Go to your community meetings. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Speak up for your co-worker. Speak out about injustice. Help your aunt’s friend’s sister’s daughter ace the SAT. Be a mentor.
Your 20s are supposed to be selfish years, but that doesn’t mean every moment of them has to be. In 2019, I’ll be actively searching for ways to pay everything I’ve been given forward. Join me.
All love always xx