February Five & My Goals for March
Happy On The Move Monday, my people. March is here!
It feels like yesterday I was watching the ball drop, writing down my goals for 2019, and praying for med school acceptances. Now we’re 2 full months into the new year, I’ve largely forgotten about my goals, and the Lord has answered my med school prayers.
While I’m tempted to jump straight into the intentions I’m setting for this new month, I wanted to rapid-fire share some of my favorite features of the one behind me:
(1) Short(er) hair
At the beginning of the month I went in for a quick little trim at a hair studio I’d never been to. It ended in disaster *insert dramatic effect* and the only way to fix it was to get it CHOPPED. Hair is no big deal (& I know that it‘ll grow back) but after spending weeks feeling like a bald biscuit, I’m digging the shorter look. Lesson learned? Even accidents can have happy endings.
I think I’ll dub the month “Friendship February”. For the first time in a long time (with my head finally out from under the #premed cloud) I spent every weekend socializing and living my best life. It certainly hurt my bank account, but it did wonders for my spirit. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed being 7 and having sleepovers, so we made it our mission to bring them back.
Evening tequila => Morning face masks => Afternoon shopping.
(3) Walking sans Headphones
No shade here because I love my AirPods, but sometimes a girl just needs to listen to the sound of her heart, breath, and ‘hood. Know what I’m sayin?
(4) My “It’s not really winter, but it’s also not warm” boots
I’m no fashion blogger so forgive me if these are out of season. Whenever it’s been cold and dry I’ve turned to a pair of boots that sat in my closet untouched for months. Now the price-point on these babies is STEEP (#gifted) but the leather’s finally broken in and ba da pa pa pa, I’M LOVING IT. I don’t expect you to go buy a new pair of boots, but I would encourage you to take a look into your closet and wear something you haven’t worn yet. Can’t find anything? Look harder. We’re all guilty as charged.
(5) Hoops & Acrylics
I touched on lip gloss & hoop earrings very briefly in my last post but February has seen a full-force return of the things that make me feel most connected to who I am and where I come from. “Next time someone tells Bronx girls to take off their hoops, they can just say they’re dressing like a Congresswoman”… and a future surgeon. Acrylics not sold separately.
Now I’ve got a million and one ideas about how I’d like March to look so it’d be fake of me to suggest that my list was anything short of 15 bullet-pointed items that I’ve sub-divided into targeted To-Dos and broader #Goals.
I’m a little crazy. I know.
That’s why on my crazy list of things to do I’ve marked 3 goals as highest-priority and I thought it’d be helpful for me to share those.
(1) Good for the Mind: Yoga. Every damn day.
Your girl’s been trying to get into meditation for what feels like twenty lifetimes and I think I’ve finally figured it out. I need something a little more physical! This month I’m challenging myself to 28 consecutive days of yoga. Woosah.
(2) Good for the Body: Plants & Sobriety.
This one is kind of two-fold. The first fold: my body is craving leafy greens and coming off of one too many consecutive tequila weekends. And the second: NYC nightlife is TOUGH on the funds $$$. So for the same 28 days I will be cheering myself on as I consume a plant-based diet and re-live my middle school dancing queen glory days (#sansalcohol).
(3) Good for the Soul: Read the bible. Apply it to my life. Every damn day.
And that’s it! I know it’s not particularly ground-breaking or innovative but I love using new months, weeks, and even days as opportunities to reset and restart. This March is no exception and I’m so excited. If you’ve got a goal or two that you’re willing to share, I wanna hear it! Leave it in a comment below so I can root for you as we both move through March.
All love always xx
LOL // issa vibe.